If you would prefer not to receive email updates from us, including news and offers, you can change this in your contact settings.
To unsubscribe from emails via the website:
- Log into your account
- Click on your profile photo in the top right-hand corner
- Go to 'settings' and then click on 'contact preferences'
- Untick the box under 'Email Updates'
To unsubscribe from emails via the app:
- Log into the app
- Click the 'Me' icon in the bottom right-hand corner
- Select 'Settings'
- Click 'notifications'
- Slide the slider off under 'email updates' at the bottom
Trusted tip: By changing your email preferences in your contact settings, you won't affect notifications regarding your membership, for example, auto-renewal reminder emails. If you click the 'unsubscribe' button on one of our emails, this will stop all email communication to you, including auto-renewal reminder emails.