Your inbox & messages
- What do I do if my confirmed sitter is showing as inactive?
- How do I decline an invitation from a pet parent?
- A pet parent has sent me private dates, what do I do?
- How do I withdraw an application?
- How do I decline a sitters application?
- Why has the inbox been updated?
- How do I confirm a sitter?
- Will I get a notification when I receive a message from another member?
- Where is my Inbox?
- Why can't I use labels in my inbox anymore?
- How do I unarchive a conversation?
- How do I know if my messages have been read?
- Can I send images via my inbox?
- What are "Favourites" and where do I find them?
- What happens if I don't hear back from another member?
- Can I remove conversations from an inactive member?
- How do I archive a conversation in my inbox?
- Can I share my personal contact details with another member?
- How do I reply to a message from another member?
- How do I unconfirm a sitter before a sit begins?